Thursday, February 24, 2022

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Customer story: Rochester Institute of Technology levels the playing field with AI for students who are deaf

The National Technical Institute for the Deaf, one of nine Rochester Institute of Technology colleges, is using AI technology such as Microsoft Translator, in combination with their extensive interpretive services, to provide a quality education to all students, even those with different learning needs. NTID is showing us that when technology is combined with determination and ingenuity, anything becomes possible.

The chief data officer's guide to an AI strategy

AI technology is still a budding industry. Every day, we hear a variety of fantastic application success stories. But with so many applications, and this sense of limitless untapped potential, many businesses are not yet sure what AI means for them. This article will help decision makers, such as Chief Data Officers, with their evaluation of how best to capitalize on the capabilities of AI to benefit their businesses.


Customer story: With Microsoft AI, Comics go head to head at the Laugh Battle

At the National Comedy Center, the only way to crown one comedian the undisputed winner of the Laugh Battle is to use Microsoft's Face API technology to see who cracks up first--cracks up laughing, that is. Check out this video to learn more about a surprising application of AI technology you might not have considered before.

The future computed: Artificial Intelligence and its role in society

AI technology will likely transform nearly every aspect of our lives over the next few decades. To ensure this change is positive, it's important to start having conversations now about how to keep the application of AI inclusive, secure, and positive. This e-book takes an in-depth look at where we are and where we are going with AI, hopefully sparking that conversation today.

View: The future computed: Artificial Intelligence and its role in society

What is AI?

AI has the potential to shorten--or even eliminate--the gap between data generation and decision making. In fact, 69% of companies improved performance with AI beyond what existing analytic techniques were able to deliver. Companies have begun to see the value AI can bring to their customer interactions. Check out this infographic to learn more about how and why companies are turning to AI to reimagine business and customer management.

View: What is AI?

Nine Essentials For Enabling An AI-Ready Culture And Business

New research from Forbes Insights shows that executives agree artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing society, industries and their own companies. But even amid such widespread recognition of AI's potential, not all businesses are advancing as rapidly as others. In fact, of the 387 companies surveyed, only 19--just 5%--describe their existing AI [...]